Li’l Bit Bitter

My husband is away this weekend…. bastard.

My kids were so excited yesterday about Mother’s Day. So much that my son told me he’d have a hard time sleeping. I informed him this is direct conflict with the idea of Mother’s Day.

“Sleeeeeep! That’s what I want you to do for me tomorrow. Sleep IN.”

(Saturday morning he was up at 5:45)

“But mom, i have to get up to make your toast!”
“No. Toast doesn’t take long, and i’m happy to wait and come downstairs a little later. More important than my toast is your sleep.”

I couldn’t overstate this fact.

So this Mother’s Day I was woken up by the sounds of my little chef at 6:45. I played “asleep” for about 20 minutes before my bladder forced me out of bed – hello motherhood.  Once the kids heard, they came in with big grins and a card and my peanut butter toast. πŸ™‚  It was great.

And then as I descended down the stairs, everything was back to business as usual. This mother’s day I was given all sorts of things!

I got:

to do dishes
to take the trash & recycling out
to do laundry
to bathe the kids

But really… i’m thankful. I’m thankful I have two healthy children who look forward to that first five minutes of Mother’s Day nearly as much as I do. My son jumped on the bed as I made it and fluffed my pillows with a very proud, “There! I took care of the pillows for you mom.” as my 4 year old daughter came running upstairs with a chocolate chip protein bar. She was not going to be outdone by her 8 year old brother who can actually operate the toaster, “Here mom! I made you breakfast!”

I’ll take a simple breakfast over a kitchen full of pancake batter and milk any day. Nothing was burned. Nothing overflowed. Nothing spilled.

Happy mothers day to ALL the moms today. The biological ones, the adopted ones, the related ones, the step ones, the half ones, the crazy ones, the insane ones, the single ones, the working ones, the stay at home ones, the gone ones, and the strong ones.

And let’s make a pact that Father’s Day will be equally as magical as Mother’s Day was made for us. 

3 thoughts on “Li’l Bit Bitter

  1. I got all the wonderful things you got for mothers day, but I also received brunch with my mother in law. Oh, so wonderful. I did not get what I really wanted though… An hour alone. Just an hour, I don’t think I was being terribly greedy, but it was not to be. The husband is so taking the children out for a Daddy kids day at the water park on fathers day. I can’t wait.


    1. Happy post mothers day! He should have got you a matched pair of flip flops πŸ˜†
      The fathers day plan sounds fantastic! Im going to tell my husband it will be spent how mothers day was for me. I will be across the country in a hotel while he is here solo with the kids, but not to worry… I’ll send a bouquet of flowers and it’ll be great.


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